Sunday, July 19, 2009
News from Kennebago
I do have good news about the road on the Rangeley side into Kennebago. It is in good condition and travelable. In fact I met a grader at about mile 7 and he was happily smoothing the road. I can't say about the Eustis side, we didn't travel it, but from what I have been told it is in good shape too. the rain has not done much damage. The water was surprisingly lower than expected and the fish were jumping all over the place. We took fish on small grey sedges and emergers. No real hatches but a few "almost" hatches, resulting in emergers. I figure that with some decent weather the hatches should come like clockwork. they have been held down for so long by the rains that the fishing should be fast and wild.
So I am going to keep this short so I can get ready to go fishing myself. My fishing partner Jim still is without wheels cause his daughter crunched his truck but as always he and I will figure a way to throw a line, we always have. Keep your fingers crossed for the sunny weather and Remember there is always time to fish. A pastor friend of mine once told me that God does not take away from your span of days for days spent fishing. Sure hope he's right then I'll live forever. Be safe all and have a great week Joe
Friday, July 3, 2009
Rain Ramblings
Noah would have been proud of all this rain. I don’t think I have seen this much continuous rain since I was in
To drift away from fishing for a second or two, this rain is raising pure chaos with the dirt roads coming into Kennebago for either side. The
My truck, a 1996 Dodge 1/2T 4X4 with extra suspension and a few extra things I had added at the factory, is a great truck. Oh yes I bought it new and had it built just the way I wanted it. I don’t usually brag about any brands or anything like that but this one I really have to. I ordered it just the way I wanted it with extras that are no longer available for trucks. The best part is that it will go anywhere I want to go and want more. I have even driven up river beds with it. It’s not pretty because it has no chrome but it has no rust or anything else. From the outside it looks like a normal Dodge truck but when you head into the back country and start to get into tough going that’s where it shines. It has 124,000 miles and I take care of it faithfully. There is absolutely nothing on this truck that has anything to do with a car. It has a truck version of the 318 engine and trans, suspension from a ¾ T and it could move a mountain if I could hook on to it. The place where I bought it, have been really good about all the things I have done to it. I far from ready to trade it but even the mechanics are waiting for me to trade so they can buy from the dealership. It DOES have a reputation. Bottom Line, I do not praise or use name brands in vain nor do I advertise for them but this truck has earned its way and deserves to be mentioned. So when the going gets tough with all this rain and mud and sloppy roads, have no fear cause I will get there and all because I have a real guide’s truck. Jim has a cute little “wanna-be” truck, a Dakota. Its nice, red and comfy but for some reason when it gets tough going we always take my truck. I do have to chuckle a little about that.This is the long and short of my addition for this week so far. Got a guiding trip next week, sure hope they like the rain maybe we will go “rainbow” fishing, until then be safe, keep the camp fires burning and the fish are already wet so bent rods and keep the tips up Joe